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1 min read

Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: Uniting for a Sustainable Future

Climate change and biodiversity loss are among the most pressing global issues, impacting humans and ecosystems alike. These two major threats to life on Earth are intrinsically connected, with climate change influencing habitats, species distributions, and the world’s natural richness. We must take immediate and meaningful action to address these challenges and protect our planet's future.

10 min read

Carbon footprint: An essential guide to taking care of our planet

There’s a podium not to be so proud about: the carbon footprint podium. The United States took one of the first places with an average of 16 tons per person, one of the highest rates on the entire planet—China holds the first place and the U.S. the second one. The average footprint worldwide is closer to 4 tons.

10 min read

Deforestation: Explore the causes, effects, and what we can do about it

More than 4 billion hectares of our planet are covered by forests - that’s around 30% of it. As you can imagine, forests are kind of an important global resource.

9 min read

What can we do about the climate crisis?

“The climate crisis is both the easiest and the hardest issue we have ever faced,” says Greta Thunberg. For us, it’s the easiest because we can take action and change things in our daily routine. And it’s the hardest because sometimes changing them is not that easy because it’s mainly about changing our mindset. So let’s start from the beginning: What can we do to stop the climate crisis?

4 min read

ARBIO Perú: a rainforest guardian in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest

ARBIO Perú is a women-led organization whose goal is to protect and preserve 916 hectares of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest.

9 min read

Why do we talk about the climate crisis?

In this article, we’ll explore the keys to understanding what the climate crisis we’re living in is about. We’ll check out what it means, its causes and its effects. Stay tuned to see if we can still win the battle against it!

4 min read

Why is Earth Week so important?

As we celebrated Earth Week, we wanted to remind our community that our planet's incredible biodiversity needs protection. That the climate crisis, human unsustainable activities, and other serious issues are putting Earth’s natural resources at risk.

10 min read

Greenhouse effect and global warming: A toxic relationship

The greenhouse effect and global warming are strongly interrelated because greenhouse gases are responsible for the rise of our planet’s temperature.

10 min read

Learn about the ten natural and human causes of global warming

Our planet has never been warmer since the beginning of civilization. Since 2015, we have experienced the 5 hottest years on record. As climate change continues to be a reality, our present — and future — appear to be getting worse.

11 min read

To take care, take action: 10 climate change solutions

We bet you’ve wondered at least once what your future will look like a few years from now. We all have. Maybe traveling around the world, having your diploma in your hands, accomplishing any kind of goals that might be crossing your mind as we speak about them.